Den Lane is not a massively pretty place but it is handy for a quick hit!
Approach; park in one of the laybys on Den Lane in Uppermill. walk up the footpath under the railway to reveal the quarry in all it's glory!
Access: See BMC Regional Access Database

Enjoying the pain on Quick Step
Starting from the left as you face the quarry.....
Ash Tree Wall
1. Irish Jig, cracks past the slot, 4.
2. Hadrian's Direct, straight up with no block or arete, 6b.
3. Ash Tree Direct, crack and groove to the tree, 4.
4. The Ramp, the wall to the right, using the crescent shaped hold to a sloping finish, 4+.
5. Without the crack dyno from a low start, 5+.
6. Can-Can, use the dog-leg hand crack to access the ramp, descend to the right, 4+.
7. Short corner with the overhang, 4.
2. Hadrian's Direct, straight up with no block or arete, 6b.
3. Ash Tree Direct, crack and groove to the tree, 4.
4. The Ramp, the wall to the right, using the crescent shaped hold to a sloping finish, 4+.
5. Without the crack dyno from a low start, 5+.
6. Can-Can, use the dog-leg hand crack to access the ramp, descend to the right, 4+.
7. Short corner with the overhang, 4.
Long Wall
1. Short problem past the block, 5+.
2. Tango, the crack, 4.
3. Between, use sidepulls to surmount the small overhang, 4+.
4. Calypso Crack, crack at the left end of the undercut wall, 4.
5. Vortex, low start between the cracks, not using them, 7b.
6. Quickstep, left hand crack, 6a+.
7. Firepower, thin right hand crack, painful, 6b+.
8. Glue direct, straight up to the glued on flake, 7b.
9. Pass the Araldite, gain the flake from the right and then up, 6b+.
10. Climb Jive to its ledge, 4.
11. Start up Palais Glide and traverse left to the ledge, 4.
12. Halls Wall, wall 6' left of the corner, step over to ledge, 6b.
13. Orchestral Crack to the ledge, 4.
14. The arete on to the ledge, 4.
15. Climb the centre of the slab direct, 5+.
16. Left side of arete, 6a..
2. Tango, the crack, 4.
3. Between, use sidepulls to surmount the small overhang, 4+.
4. Calypso Crack, crack at the left end of the undercut wall, 4.
5. Vortex, low start between the cracks, not using them, 7b.
6. Quickstep, left hand crack, 6a+.
7. Firepower, thin right hand crack, painful, 6b+.
8. Glue direct, straight up to the glued on flake, 7b.
9. Pass the Araldite, gain the flake from the right and then up, 6b+.
10. Climb Jive to its ledge, 4.
11. Start up Palais Glide and traverse left to the ledge, 4.
12. Halls Wall, wall 6' left of the corner, step over to ledge, 6b.
13. Orchestral Crack to the ledge, 4.
14. The arete on to the ledge, 4.
15. Climb the centre of the slab direct, 5+.
16. Left side of arete, 6a..
17. Right side of the arete (highball), 6a+.
18. Peg Free, the highball crackline with ironmongery, 5.
19. Last Waltz, through the roof, 5+.
18. Peg Free, the highball crackline with ironmongery, 5.
19. Last Waltz, through the roof, 5+.

Peg Free

Problem 16
Whimsical Wall
A few good problems, slightly spoilt by the grotty finishes.
1. Splitter, the pleasant crack, 5.
2. Arete Me Not, up the aretes left side without the crack, 7a+.
3. The Whim, the corner, 4.
4. Whimsical, 5' right of the corner use the crescent shaped hold, 6c.
5. Scoop, follow the shallow groove, finishing direct, 6c+.
6. BT, layback the left side of the arete, 6b.
1. Splitter, the pleasant crack, 5.
2. Arete Me Not, up the aretes left side without the crack, 7a+.
3. The Whim, the corner, 4.
4. Whimsical, 5' right of the corner use the crescent shaped hold, 6c.
5. Scoop, follow the shallow groove, finishing direct, 6c+.
6. BT, layback the left side of the arete, 6b.
Rake Wall
1. Low level traverse of the wall, 4+.